Monday, November 28, 2011

I'm officially depressed..i need you now..but you're gone..i guess i won't come here'll never know anymore.bye.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


does it matter now? you chose him , regardless how much i tried. he gets you cause you get to see him every single day, and i dont. if my death was truely caused but this pathetic reason, i should have died a thousand more

128ve980 nothing is the same anymore

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Dear angel,i think i only can tell you this but nobody else...i told everyone the prom night is awesome but i lied..i don't even think is awesome.i lose everything including you..


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hey my sleepy angel,my prom night is tomorrow and i went for manicure and pedicure.i ruin it and i paint it myself.i always think of you when i'm trying to make myself more pretty.are you still there?do you miss me?i still miss you happy kk!

Love,Your Devil

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hey angel,i realised this blog not long ago.after reading this i feel so sad..i know you're gone but you'll always be in my heart.i finally know how you feel and what i can say is sorry..i guess nobody will see this blog again and this will forever be in my heart.
And is this consider a blog for you and me?Haha
Love,Your Devil (:

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

you ended this

no love, no pride nothing left for me

128ve980 i will destroy this world.

the imaginary angel has been killed


i hate this day, you threw me away , you wasted me you left me..... regardless the pass or future, im just like some idiot always giving in to you no matter what.... guess what? just one day i really will fulfill what i said, bringing this whole damn world down along with me, starting from that asshole.

128ve980 you're never here

Monday, November 14, 2011


grats its your finally over with your o levels yay.... with that you still put my priority behind everything and everyone else....when you say i needed you , you will come, but when i actually told you, you will never be there you left me alone like you always do and did.

128ve980 you left me like you always did

Sunday, November 13, 2011


finally you messaged me , from your studies... guess what . you asked me to help you think of what you can wear from prom the first thing you asked. wow ...happy yes, but when i think of dressing you up for that bastard, i was reluctant. then again i asked where i stand, i refused to help you no matter how much i wanted to. selfish, childish,ignorance , call me whatever you want, i will never again make you to the girl closer to my dreams as you already are, not for anyone else any more.

do you know how much i wished i could vanish , when i saw those messages, back then a few days ago you told me this in a sad voice" do you wished i was back? " yes i wished, i wanted , i needed you back in my life, but now i asked that exact same question, but the answer is no le ba? you would rather be with a guy who hits you, then you left me hanging and speechless and you didnt even bothered about me after awhile wow... i guessed im totally replaced.

128ve980 my mask thickens

Saturday, November 12, 2011

hey its just a few more days till that day that left that scar in your heart eh... i have been trying to redeem myself and cure that scar throughout the whole year after you left me, but you told me once. the scar that you left is something that made you lost all confidence in me nor trust me anymore...sad to say no matter how much do or did it can never heal that scar because you told me this once you made that scar, it will always leave a mark behind and you told me that, that is the reason why you never wanted to patch back ba haha...

well its just a few more days till your finally done with your o levels! yay! nonetheless, i still wished that you were still back with me, back like what we used to be, seeing couples out there everyday, makes my heart aches so bad that i wished, i could lock myself in my room.

as the day went past, your messages seemed to come lesser and lesser each, we didnt even have a chat over 5 messages... perhaps your still studying, but i dont deny i wished you would drop your books and pei me....i really need you....

yesterday night when we on the phone, you kept saying that "you dont have anything to say to me today?" when i was about to hang, as much as i wanted to spill my hearts out and tell you how much i needed you, how much i love you , how much i wanted to you by my side...sadly i cant, because i had that mask on my face, the very mask i put on just for you.... i really wished if there was anyone in this world, i only want it to be YOU and only YOU.

128ve980 i need you now...

Friday, November 11, 2011


hey its 11/11/11,what a special others or you it maybe be special ...but for me , today without you is just like any other day... i couldnt tell you how much i wanted to spend this day with you. sadly, you had to attend your friend's birthday , i was all set to skip my work just to spend today with the end , you didnt even message me after our afternoon text.

seeing couples on the street today reminded me of our past, no idea why, our past seems so vivid today...perhaps i really wanted you to be with me that badly...silly me, you would never sacrifice your friends birthday even if i asked you too...selfish as i am, on this special day i just wanted to have you around by my side.

guess what i couldnt gather 50 likes from the post i made...end up i could post this message:

laopo wo ai ni,
i've always loved you from the start
from the past till the present
the feelings only gotten stronger
stronger because i need you in my life
i need you by my side

maybe one day you will see this, but i guess it wouldnt move your heart anymore will it? haha...

128ve980 i wished your by my side now...

Thursday, November 10, 2011


you didnt even bother to message me without me starting it first, all i can do was wait. when you replied i was happy to see your replies but those replies seems so cold, as tho everything you said last night was like just a dream and nothing more then a dream.

as selfish as i may be, i skipped work today cause of my leg injury, i was hoping that you would come and accompany, but yet i waited and waited for your reply , there wasnt much hope in you coming. my mood changed, for the worst and more. carrying that broken hope home was not something fun, especially when you broke them so many times. i really wished you were by my side today, tho i may not say it out loud, i really wanted you here... but you were sleeping away all day long and i couldnt contact you....perhaps your sleep has more priority over me as always...

finally im home and i went to bed with dreams and hope, but without fail, i really wanted to at least hear your voice. so i decided to text you again, to ask for you to wake me up at 8. using that chance i hope i could at least talk to you a little longer but when 8 came you didnt call, i continue waiting, reluctant to wake up from this nightmare, i waited.

finally 837,you called i was so happy as tho i was on cloud nine but everything crashed when you called and said, hey its already 837 time to wake up and you wanted to hang and go back to your sleep. yes, im selfish, yes i dont want you going back to sleep. i wanted you to accompany me but its not happening eh.... haha silly me

128ve980 i miss you

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


hey ~ waited the whole day for your message but you didnt...haha stared at the phone more than i did my work :S when you finally replied...i found out that i wasnt important anymore, you couldnt care less i guess... hmmm i was feel so wrenched inside out nothing of me seems to bother you anymore.

i really wished you would come back , if i could i would like to go to your wall and post out the person i love when i have the 50 likes ,maybe i dont have the guts to do it, maybe im just using it as an excuse to let me say what i had kept inside at 11/11/2011 ...spineless arent i ? haha maybe im thats why i wasnt chosen but oh wells, i really wished we had a second chance and its just a few more day till our special day, yet you dont seem like you feel the way i do...silly me , why would you even bother

128ve980 , i wished we were back....

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


released early today and i wanted to be by your side, too bad your mom bought everything ...imy you....i really do

knowing that you will not call for me again , thus i felt much more lonely then before,i wished that you were by my side...i need you

9:03pm i woke up from my sleep and i saw your message , i was so happy when i saw who the sender was and i you still thought of me as someone you wanted to depend on , im really glad , i really am... as much as i wanted to tear of the mask and fly to your side but i cant do it till you solved my puzzle and show you this blog... but i guess when you see this blog, you should already be with some else ... first day and everything turns to a bad , very bad start.

-128ve980 i love you... i really do...