Wednesday, November 9, 2011


hey ~ waited the whole day for your message but you didnt...haha stared at the phone more than i did my work :S when you finally replied...i found out that i wasnt important anymore, you couldnt care less i guess... hmmm i was feel so wrenched inside out nothing of me seems to bother you anymore.

i really wished you would come back , if i could i would like to go to your wall and post out the person i love when i have the 50 likes ,maybe i dont have the guts to do it, maybe im just using it as an excuse to let me say what i had kept inside at 11/11/2011 ...spineless arent i ? haha maybe im thats why i wasnt chosen but oh wells, i really wished we had a second chance and its just a few more day till our special day, yet you dont seem like you feel the way i do...silly me , why would you even bother

128ve980 , i wished we were back....

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