Thursday, November 10, 2011


you didnt even bother to message me without me starting it first, all i can do was wait. when you replied i was happy to see your replies but those replies seems so cold, as tho everything you said last night was like just a dream and nothing more then a dream.

as selfish as i may be, i skipped work today cause of my leg injury, i was hoping that you would come and accompany, but yet i waited and waited for your reply , there wasnt much hope in you coming. my mood changed, for the worst and more. carrying that broken hope home was not something fun, especially when you broke them so many times. i really wished you were by my side today, tho i may not say it out loud, i really wanted you here... but you were sleeping away all day long and i couldnt contact you....perhaps your sleep has more priority over me as always...

finally im home and i went to bed with dreams and hope, but without fail, i really wanted to at least hear your voice. so i decided to text you again, to ask for you to wake me up at 8. using that chance i hope i could at least talk to you a little longer but when 8 came you didnt call, i continue waiting, reluctant to wake up from this nightmare, i waited.

finally 837,you called i was so happy as tho i was on cloud nine but everything crashed when you called and said, hey its already 837 time to wake up and you wanted to hang and go back to your sleep. yes, im selfish, yes i dont want you going back to sleep. i wanted you to accompany me but its not happening eh.... haha silly me

128ve980 i miss you

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