Friday, November 11, 2011


hey its 11/11/11,what a special others or you it maybe be special ...but for me , today without you is just like any other day... i couldnt tell you how much i wanted to spend this day with you. sadly, you had to attend your friend's birthday , i was all set to skip my work just to spend today with the end , you didnt even message me after our afternoon text.

seeing couples on the street today reminded me of our past, no idea why, our past seems so vivid today...perhaps i really wanted you to be with me that badly...silly me, you would never sacrifice your friends birthday even if i asked you too...selfish as i am, on this special day i just wanted to have you around by my side.

guess what i couldnt gather 50 likes from the post i made...end up i could post this message:

laopo wo ai ni,
i've always loved you from the start
from the past till the present
the feelings only gotten stronger
stronger because i need you in my life
i need you by my side

maybe one day you will see this, but i guess it wouldnt move your heart anymore will it? haha...

128ve980 i wished your by my side now...

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