Sunday, November 13, 2011


finally you messaged me , from your studies... guess what . you asked me to help you think of what you can wear from prom the first thing you asked. wow ...happy yes, but when i think of dressing you up for that bastard, i was reluctant. then again i asked where i stand, i refused to help you no matter how much i wanted to. selfish, childish,ignorance , call me whatever you want, i will never again make you to the girl closer to my dreams as you already are, not for anyone else any more.

do you know how much i wished i could vanish , when i saw those messages, back then a few days ago you told me this in a sad voice" do you wished i was back? " yes i wished, i wanted , i needed you back in my life, but now i asked that exact same question, but the answer is no le ba? you would rather be with a guy who hits you, then you left me hanging and speechless and you didnt even bothered about me after awhile wow... i guessed im totally replaced.

128ve980 my mask thickens

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